Mental Health in the Workplace
Prioritising health and wellbeing throughout the last year has been paramount and will continue to be so during the coming months as we navigate our way back to a more ‘normal’ life. Even before the pandemic, the responsibility of businesses to support their employees’ mental health was becoming more urgent. Recent government statistics highlighting the impact of mental ill-health on businesses are alarming:
15% of people at work have symptoms of a mental health condition.
17 million working days were lost to mental health issues last year.
Mental health costs £26 billion per annum to British business.
Today, as so many people have found themselves working from home, away from the support of their teams and trying to juggle workloads with home schooling responsibilities, the need for businesses to monitor and support workplace wellbeing has never been more critical.
Workplace Wellbeing
17 million working days were lost to mental health issues last year. As employees face new challenges associated with returning to the workplace and long Covid symptoms, these frightening statistics are not forecast to abate and might well continue to rise.

Supporting the Local Business Community
The Counselling Partnership is very keen to support local businesses who are committed to providing help and sign posting local services to their staff. We would love to talk to you about our available business package – to find out more email us at the address below:
We are here to support local businesses who are committed to enhancing mental wellbeing at work.
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