Other Helpful Organisations
Action for Carers – advice, information, advocacy training and to support carers. Email: Carersupport@actionforcarers.org.uk Tel: 0303 040 1234 SMS: 07714 075 993
AISSG – A resource for those with problems relating to the reproductive system www.aissg.org
Alcoholics Anonymous – An organisation aiming to help those with an alcoholic addiction through support and meetings www.alcholics-anonymous.org
ASCA – Addiction Support and Care Agency – is an established community-based charity providing a range of confidential support services in the Richmond and Kingston area. They offer one to one counselling and group services for alcohol and drug misusers, people experiencing addictions and in recovery and those affected by others’ addictions. www.addictionsupport.co.uk
BABCP – British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies. www.babcp.org.uk provides information about counselling and lists private approved BABCP counsellors and psychotherapists.
BACP – British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy provides information about counselling. Tel: 01455 883300 Email: bacp@bacp.co.uk www.bacp.co.uk
BASRT – The British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy http://www.basrt.org.uk 0208 543 2707 Email: info@basrt.org.uk
BPS – British Psychological Society www.bps.org.uk
Catalyst – Surrey Alcohol and Drug Advisory Service on based at 14 Jenner Road Guildford Surrey GU1 3PL they also offer a service which can include group or individual sessions. 01483 590 150 Email to info@sadas.org.uk
Catch 22 – Surrey Young People’s substance misuse service for young people aged 11 to 21 years. Referral / Crisis Line 0800 622 6662 Email: mailto:ypsm@catch-22.org.uk Text: 07595 088 388
CHEER – Concern and Help for East Elmbridge Retired at Claygate Centre for the Community, Elm Road, Claygate, Esher, KT10 0EH. They aim to change the lives of older people by providing advice, friendship and support to reduce social isolation and alleviate financial hardship. Hhttp://www.cheer-elmbridge.org.uk Tel: 01372 879321 Email: Manager@cheer-elmbridge.org.uk
Children’s centre – Weybridge 01932 820 106 www.weybridgecc.org
Citizens Advice . They aim to provide the advice people need for the problems they face and improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives 01932 248 660 www.waltoncab.org.uk
Contact the Elderly – combating loneliness since 1965 for people aged 75 or over who live alone. www.contact-the-elderly.org.uk Tel: 020 7881 2375
Cruse – Support and specialised counselling for individuals who have experienced bereavement. Helpline 0844 477 9400 Email: Helpline@cruse.org.uk www.crusebereavementcare.org.uk
The Guildford Centre for Psychotherapy – a professional association of psychoanalytic psychotherapists enquiries@psychotherapy-guildfordcentre.org.uk www.psychotherapy-guildfordcentre.org.uk
Healing Well – A website that contains information and resources on a number of diseases, disorders, and chronic illnesses. www.healingwell.com Email: admin@healingwell.com
Home Start -is a national family support charity that helps parents to build better lives for their children. Our volunteers provide support and friendship to families. 01932 235802 Email: enquiries@home-start-elmbridge.org.uk www.home-start-elmbridge.btck.co.uk
Mary Frances Trust – is a charity that works with people who are experiencing any kind of emotional or mental distress, providing support for stress and well-being, anxiety, depression, bi-polar, hoarding and any other issues. www.maryfrancestrust.org.uk Email: info@maryfrancestrust.org.uk Tel: 01372 375400
Male Health – Fast, free independent health information on all subjects for men of all ages, www.malehealth.co.uk Tel: 0207 922 7908
Mind – The UK’s biggest Mental Health Charity 01483 766998 Email: carlton@wokingmind.org.uk www.mind.org.uk
National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 200 0247
Next Steps is a self-help support service for people in Woking affected by depression. Provides information about depression, signposting, support and encouragement to take your steps towards emotional well-being. call 01483 747461 or visit www.nextsteps.me.uk
OUTLINE – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans people support and information in Surrey. 0782 728 9312 www.outlinesurrey.org
RASASC – Rape and sexual abuse support centre, based in Guildford provides counselling, helplines, and groups ISVA and support for men and women. http://www.rasasc.org.uk Helpline: 0808 802 9999 Email: info@rasasc.org.uk
Relate – Relationship Counselling, Marriage and couple guidance counselling service. Sex Therapy and counselling for young people 01372 467046 or 01483 715285 Email: info@relatewestsurrey.org.uk www.relatewestsurrey.org.uk www.relate.org.uk
Rethink Carers is a charity dedicated to improving the lives of anyone affected by severe mental illness. Rethink offers carers’ support services including home visits. Tel: 01483 724244 or email northsurreycarers@rethink.org
Rethink Mental Illness – is a charity dedicated to improving the lives of anyone affected by mental illness. www.rethink.org Tel: 0121 522 7007 Advice & Info 0300 5000 927
Richmond Fellowship – North West Surrey provides a range of services providing employment advice, support into work, training, work experience and rehabilitation. For further information call 01372 363934 or visit www.richmondfellowship.org.uk
SILC – Centre for Independent Living – is a non-profit-making voluntary sector organisation run by and for disabled people. www.surreyilc.org.uk Tel: 01483 458111 Email: admin@surreysilc.org.uk
Samaritans and Victim Support – A 24hr confidential helpline for those who need support or have been a victim of a crime. www.samaritans.org
Stop it Now! – A free confidential helpline for adults concerned about child sexual abuse. http://www.stopitnow.org.uk Tel: 080 100 0900 Email: help@stopitnow.org.uk
Straight Partners Anonymous (SPA) is a support group for straight people whose partners are gay, lesbian or bisexual. www.straightpartnersanonymous.co.uk
Surrey Drug Care offer advice and information. http://www.surreydrugcare.org.uk Tel: 01483 300112 Email: info@surreydrugcare.org.uk
Surrey Information Point – Local information and support for families Tel: 0300 200 1005 Email: contactcentre.adults@surreycc.gov.uk www.surreyinformationpoint.org.uk
Surrey Family Mediation Service – charitable organisation offering mediation services for families and children. 01372 749 911 www.sfms.org.uk
The Counselling Directory – provides information about counselling and has a search option to find accredited counsellors. www.counselling-directory.org.uk
Time to Change – is a website attempting to end the stigma and discrimination that face those with mental health problems www.time-to-change.org.uk
Together UK – Mental Health Charity working alongside each person with mental health issues. www.together-UK.org Tel: 0207 780 7300 Email: contact-us@together-uk.org
Victim Support – Local care team 0845 38 99 528 or email shorehamvcu@victimsupport.org.uk
Walton and Hersham Foodbank 07884 046 665 Email: info@waltonandhersham.foodbank.org.uk www.waltonhersham.foodbank.org.uk Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, and Saturday 9am-5pm. victim support.org.uk
WAY Foundation (Widowed and Young) – offers support and friendship to young bereaved people, whatever their circumstances, however, long ago their partner died. www.wayfoundation.org.uk/contact.
Wellness with a Goal – Walton-on-Thames based charity covering all of Elmbridge with their affordable mental and physical wellbeing services. Visit www.wellnesswithagoal.org.uk or call 01932 231 918 to find out more information.
Windmill Community Drug and Alcohol Team provide a Substance Misuse Service for drug and alcohol users. This is a self-referral line; with some evening clinics. Based at Abraham Cowley Unit, St Peter’s Hospital Chertsey, Surrey KT16 0AE. 01932 723 309
Women’s Aid – charity for women and children experiencing psychical, sexual or emotional abuse in their homes. www.womensaid.org.uk